Automating RSS syndication and sharing with Next.js and GitHub


5 min read

I wrote a basic syndication tool in Next.js to automate sharing items from configured RSS feeds to Mastodon. This tool works by leveraging a few basic configurations, the Mastodon API and a (reasonably) lightweight script that creates a JSON cache when initialized and posts new items on an hourly basis.

The script that handles this functionality lives at lib/syndicate/index.ts:

import { toPascalCase } from '@/utils/formatters'
import { extract, FeedEntry } from '@extractus/feed-extractor'
import { SERVICES, TAGS } from './config'
import createMastoPost from './createMastoPost'

export default async function syndicate(init?: string) {
    const GIST_ID_SYNDICATION_CACHE = '406166f337b9ed2d494951757a70b9d1'
    const GIST_NAME_SYNDICATION_CACHE = 'syndication-cache.json'
    const CLEAN_OBJECT = () => {
        const INIT_OBJECT = {}
        Object.keys(SERVICES).map((service) => (INIT_OBJECT[service] = []))
        return INIT_OBJECT

    async function hydrateCache() {
        const CACHE_DATA = CLEAN_OBJECT()
        for (const service in SERVICES) {
            const data = await extract(SERVICES[service])
            const entries = data?.entries
   FeedEntry) => CACHE_DATA[service].push(
        await fetch(`${GIST_ID_SYNDICATION_CACHE}`, {
            method: 'PATCH',
            headers: {
                Authorization: `Bearer ${TOKEN_CORYDDEV_GISTS}`,
                'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.github+json',
            body: JSON.stringify({
                gist_id: GIST_ID_SYNDICATION_CACHE,
                files: {
                    'syndication-cache.json': {
                        content: JSON.stringify(CACHE_DATA),
            .then((response) => response.json())
            .catch((err) => console.log(err))

    const DATA = await fetch(`${GIST_ID_SYNDICATION_CACHE}`).then(
        (response) => response.json()

    // rewrite the sync data if init is reset
    if (CONTENT === '' || init === 'true') hydrateCache()

    if (CONTENT && CONTENT !== '' && !init) {
        const existingData = await fetch(
        ).then((response) => response.json())
        const existingContent = JSON.parse(existingData?.files[GIST_NAME_SYNDICATION_CACHE].content)

        for (const service in SERVICES) {
            const data = await extract(SERVICES[service], {
                getExtraEntryFields: (feedEntry) => {
                    return {
                        tags: feedEntry['cd:tags'],
            const entries: (FeedEntry & { tags?: string })[] = data?.entries
            if (!existingContent[service].includes(entries[0].id)) {
                let tags = ''
                if (entries[0].tags) {
                        .forEach((a, index) =>
                            index === 0
                                ? (tags += `#${toPascalCase(a)}`)
                                : (tags += ` #${toPascalCase(a)}`)
                    tags += ` ${TAGS[service]}`
                } else {
                    tags = TAGS[service]
                createMastoPost(`${entries[0].title} ${entries[0].link} ${tags}`)
                await fetch(`${GIST_ID_SYNDICATION_CACHE}`, {
                    method: 'PATCH',
                    headers: {
                        Authorization: `Bearer ${TOKEN_CORYDDEV_GISTS}`,
                        'Content-Type': 'application/vnd.github+json',
                    body: JSON.stringify({
                        gist_id: GIST_ID_SYNDICATION_CACHE,
                        files: {
                            'syndication-cache.json': {
                                content: JSON.stringify(existingContent),
                    .then((response) => response.json())
                    .catch((err) => console.log(err))

We start off with an optional init parameter that can be passed into our syndicate function to hydrate our syndication cache โ€” the structure of this cache is essentially SERIVCE_KEY: string[]where string[] contains RSS post IDs. Now, given that Vercel is intended as front end hosting, I needed a reasonably simple and reliable solution for hosting a simple JSON object. I explored and didn't want to involve a full-fledged database or storage solution and wasn't terribly interested in dealing with S3 or B2 for this purpose so I, instead, went with a "secret" GitHub gist1 and leveraged the GitHub API for storage. At each step of the CRUD process in this script we make a call to the GitHub API using a token for authentication, deal with the returned JSON and go on our merry way.

Once the cache is hydrated the script will check the feeds available in lib/syndicate/config.tsand post the most recent item if it does not exist in the cache and then add it to said cache. The configured services are simply:

export const SERVICES = {
    '': '',
    glass: '',
    letterboxd: '',

As we iterate through this object we also attach tags specific to each service using an object shaped exactly like SERVICES in config.ts:

export const TAGS = {
    '': '#Blog',
    glass: '#Photo #Glass',
    letterboxd: '#Movie #Letterboxd',

This is partly for discovery and partly a consistent way for folks to filter my automated nonsense should they so choose. The format of Glass and Letterboxd are consistent and the tags are as well โ€” for posts from my site (like this one ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป) I start with #Blog and have also modified the structure of my RSS feed to expose the tags I add to each post. The feed is generated by a script that runs at build time called generate-rss.ts which looks like:

import { escape } from '@/lib/utils/htmlEscaper'
import siteMetadata from '@/data/siteMetadata'
import { PostFrontMatter } from 'types/PostFrontMatter'

const generateRssItem = (post: PostFrontMatter) => `
        ${post.summary && `<description>${escape(post.summary)}</description>`}
        <pubDate>${new Date(}</pubDate>
        <author>${} (${})</author>
        ${post.tags && => `<category>${t}</category>`).join('')}

const generateRss = (posts: PostFrontMatter[], page = 'feed.xml') => `
    <rss version="2.0"
            <managingEditor>${} (${})</managingEditor>
            <webMaster>${} (${})</webMaster>
            <lastBuildDate>${new Date(posts[0].date).toUTCString()}</lastBuildDate>
            <atom:link href="${
            }/${page}" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml"/>
export default generateRss

I've added a new namespace to the parent <rss...> tag called cd2 โ€” the declaration points to a page at this site that (very) briefly explains the purpose, I then created a <cd:tags> field that exposes a comma delimited list of post tags.

Back in syndicate/index.ts, this field is accessed when the RSS feed is parsed:

const data = await extract(SERVICES[service], {
    getExtraEntryFields: (feedEntry) => {
        return {
            tags: feedEntry['cd:tags'],
let tags = ''
if (entries[0].tags) {
        .forEach((a, index) =>
            index === 0
                ? (tags += `#${toPascalCase(a)}`)
                : (tags += ` #${toPascalCase(a)}`)
    tags += ` ${TAGS[service]}`
} else {
    tags = TAGS[service]

Tags get transformed to Pascal case, prepended with # and sent off to be posted to Mastodon along with the static service-specific tags.

The function that posts content to Mastodon is as simple as the following:

import { MASTODON_INSTANCE } from './config'
const KEY = process.env.API_KEY_MASTODON

const createMastoPost = async (content: string) => {
    const formData = new FormData()
    formData.append('status', content)

    const res = await fetch(`${MASTODON_INSTANCE}/api/v1/statuses`, {
        method: 'POST',
        headers: {
            Accept: 'application/json',
            Authorization: `Bearer ${KEY}`,
        body: formData,
    return res.json()

export default createMastoPost

Back at GitHub, this is all kicked off every hour on the hour using the following workflow:

name: scheduled-cron-job
        - cron: '0 * * * *'
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
            - name: scheduled-cron-job
              run: |
                  curl -X POST '' \
                  -H 'Authorization: Bearer ${{ secrets.VERCEL_SYNDICATE_KEY }}'

Now, as I post things elsewhere, they'll make their way back to Mastodon with a simple title, link and tag set. Read them if you'd like, or filter them out altogether.


  1. It's secret inasmuch as it's obscured and, hence, not secured (which is also why syndicate.tsincludes the gist ID directly) โ€” it's all public post IDs, so peruse as one sees fit. โ†ฉ

  2. Not very creative, I know. โ†ฉ
